Tuesday, June 29, 2010

State FFA Officer

One of the greatest feelings I will ever feel is running up onto the Wisconsin Association of FFA Convention stage after being announced as a state officer. I will continue my daily knowledge as I serve this great organization and share "What I Learn as a State Officer" on my blog there! Feel free to check out what I am doing over this next year!

The address is www.wisconsinffa.org. Just click on the 4 on the top buttons. It is right behind the State Officer blogs!

Friday, May 14, 2010


5/13/10 How to grout the floor!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

LAST Day!!!

Marriage is nothing like dating.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Soils, soils, and more soils!!

Macrofauna tastes really good….if they are gummy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Study Day is the Best!!

Do NOT try to drink iced latte out of a straw without picking it up when the drink is right next to your computer!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Good Day!

Gen Chem is over!!!
Shalom means complete. I am complete because of Jesus!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Finals and Babies!

At birth, a one percent solution of silver nitrate is placed in a newborn's eyes to protect the eyes from infection.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Last Lecture(s)

The most important environmental issue today is SOIL DESERTIFICATION.

You can clean silver with some salt, baking powder, and boiling water!

The Last Primetime

5/6/10 Perf is the new and upcoming slang!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Last Lab

Red is positive. Black is negative!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chem Study Time

Reading “The Bite-Sized Book of Bible Trivia” is a great way to be distracted.

Monday, May 3, 2010

AWA Senior Rec

How to kill an opossum. –Courtesy of Steph P.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

National Soil Survey

The soil that my family’s farm is on is Dubuque silt loam!!!

26 Hours of Home!

4/30/10 If you are going to keep a good household, make sure you always have Jell-O and whip cream around!
5/1/10 You know you’re family is technology advanced or just running out of names when you have a calf named Facebook!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It is better to be sleep deprived than God deprived!

Mr. Soil Colloid

4/28/10 Dr. Balster: “Charge for Charge, NOT Ion for Ion. All together now:” Class and Dr. B: “Charge for Charge, NOT Ion for Ion!”

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CFFA Party

Chuck E. Cheese is even fun as a nineteen year old!

Monday, April 26, 2010

15th Annual AWA Breakfast on the Farm

4/24/10 It is easy to tell when you haven’t done manual labor in a while!
4/25/10 Go to sleep early the night before Breakfast on the Farm, not the morning of!
4/26/10 Don’t leave a paper that is due the day after BOTF until the night of Breakfast!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Because I'm a FARM GIRL!!!

The first ever Jersey Journal is absolutely AWESOME!!!

“There is no greater place to prepare kids for life than a farm.” –Farmer in Hoard’s Dairyman

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clay and Coldstone

4/21/10 Clay is in the dashboard of cars, in make-up, on pills, in computers and pretty much anywhere! “Clay is everywhere, it permeates our lives.” –Dr. Balster
4/22/10 The coffee flavored ice cream at Coldstone must have caffeine in it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Take time for the things you were excited about. No matter how hard it’s going to be or how time consuming, you’ll still be excited for it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

4/16/10 Taking random pictures on a big red 1848 can lead to great memories!
4/17/10 The Chronicles of Narnia are amazing…so need to read them!
4/18/10 Doing homework in the sun is fun!
4/19/10 My chem professor likes to make jokes. No one laughs.
4/19/10 “Unless life also hands you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck!”

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"I love shark week"

Bull sharks can live in fresh water because they change their osmotic pressure!

Monday, April 12, 2010


How water from the soil gets up to the top of trees!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Open Pantry

Sometimes you just need to go on an ice cream run!


4/10/10 You never know who you are going to end up marrying!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Always remember to use cooking spray or butter when cooking!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


We are all rebels!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Household Remedies

Eggs truly do make your hair softer and shinier!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Avoiding Homework 101

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” –Galadriel in LOTR

Monday, April 5, 2010


Beware, you just might end up missing The Middle of Nowhere!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Rejoice, for He is Risen!

K-State Purple Pride

3/27/10 Flying by yourself isn’t that bad!
3/28/10 Kansas has hills, well a couple!
3/29/10 Filafil mix from a box isn’t very good. Beware of the aftertaste.
3/30/10 Manhattan, KS is full of surprises, including a creek behind the cemetery!
3/31/10 There are these birds in Columbia that will attack you if you get too close!
4/1/10 How to cut up beef ribs!
4/2/10 Don’t park your car underneath a tree right after you wash it!
4/3/10 “The girl's bathroom smells bad.” –Little boy in the KC airport girl’s bathroom

Friday, March 26, 2010


Cheetos have a lot of energy in them but it burns off quickly!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Adidas and Reebok merged…four years ago!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


May is a month, it comes right after April!


“Don’t underestimate Redwood trees, or you’ll lose your insides.” ~Hillary in Soils

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little Tidbits!

3/22/10 Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer –and it comes from bedrock!
3/23/10 Entropy will be the weirdest thing you will learn in Chem 104 –Chris, Chemistry TA

Sunday, March 21, 2010


3/20/10 The Wintergreen Resort is a white building with a green roof!
3/21/10 After staying up until 3am, two nights in a row, the next day just might be an epic fail!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Construction Season

Why they use gravel underneath roads when they are built!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

FCC Forever

No matter how long you've been out of cross country, Coach Lease's voice will still be in your head when you run.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

"Thank goodness for soil, or we wouldn't have shamrocks and we wouldn't have luck." ~Dr. Balster

Monday, March 15, 2010


An ichthyologist is a zoologist who studies fishes!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Village Inn

An angel just might be smoking a cigarette and wearing baggy pants.
How to change a car battery, in the rain at 1am.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This is college, people don’t use common sense!

Stop Lights

It's great not being observant...you discover something new every day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

World War I

The colorless, poisonous gas phosgene smells faintly of fresh cut hay, but it is lethal if breathed in! So how do they know what it smells like??

Monday, March 8, 2010


There is a reason my family does not put salt in recipes while baking!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring is almost here!

A water puddle followed by a large ice spot on a side walk is a sure sign that spring in Wisconsin is on the way!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


A year goes by so fast!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Antigo Silt Loam

How to ribbon soil and classify its texture. What the Wisconsin State soil is!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

For Him, By Him

The German word for constant starts with a K.
There is a black hole in the middle of the Milky Way and the Galaxy revolves around it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ag Econ

Actually claiming you are from Iowa during class (right after the professor made fun of the state), just might get you a fist bump from the professor!

Monday, March 1, 2010


I know my family so well that when talking to my Mom via text message, I knew that she was telling me something that Dad said!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Advice From Others

2/26/10 A pat on the back can build character if administered often enough, hard enough, and low enough.
2/27/10 Egyptians are bad kissers.
2/28/10 When I think "I don’t measure up to much in this life," I need to remember that "I’m a treasure in the arms of Christ" ~from Forgiven by Sanctus Real

Thursday, February 25, 2010


† All I want in this lifetime is You. All I want in this world is You. †

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


How to relate M&M’s to soil!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Agriculture Abounds!

2/20/10 Grant County will indeed bring home the Crap Ribbon from any meats judging contest!
2/21/10 How to grow corn. (during the sermon at church)
2/22/10 National FFA Week is so much more exciting outside of high school and less stressful!
2/23/10 How to successfully eat yogurt while walking to class, without spilling on yourself!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hockey Extravaganza

High school students are very impatient!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tight Rope Walker

I'm jumping into the wheelbarrow of Christ!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Moonwalking Bear

I'm not very observant! Please see!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


After years of hearing how wonderful Orthridge Farms chicken is compared to store bought crap, I now truly understand. I miss our farm-fresh “chicken on the bone!”

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday + Grammar = AWESOME -Camille, LSC 100 TA

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lots of Knowledge!

Here's what I've learned thus far!

9/21/09 My thought….thinks she would rather take two more years of Mr. G's ap calc than a year of chem 103 and 104. Is that a possibility??
9/22/09 When there is a 50% chance of rain and it looks like rain, TAKE YOUR UMBRELLA TO CLASS!!!
10/2/09 English muffins straight off the griddle are hot!
10/5/09 Just because the traffic was clear when you looked the first time, doesn’t mean it still is!
10/6/09 Rain + wind + umbrella= broken umbrella
10/7/09 Green dry erase markers smell bad.
10/7/09 Tomatoes are the closest thing to the devil...
10/8/09 I am so totally out of shape!!!
10/9/09 “Sleep is important too. Get enough sleep. Midterms are not worth it!” -Ashley about the Animal Science 101 exam 1
10/12/09 Thought of the day… Why am I proud to be an American?? (During American History class, learning about slavery and Indian removal.)
10/13/09 Chemistry is the dumbest thing created by man. (already known, just reinforced)
10/13/09 Homework makes me act like my wether, Aiden, aka A.D.D. Child!
10/14/09 “If you don’t drink your milk, you will die!” -Dr. Cook
10/15/09 It works best, when trying to listen to music, to turn the music on when you put on your headphones! Only cool people sit in the library with their headphones on without any music!
10/17/09 Making a top bunk of a bunk bed that is up against the wall is difficult!
10/19/09 There is still hope…there are guys with manners still out there! (Random guy held the door open for me into class)
10/20/09 Chemistry + pillow=sleep
10/21/09 Chocolate is derived from cocoa beans. Bean = Vegetable. AND….
Sugar is derived from either sugar cane or sugar beets. Both of them are plants, in the vegetable category.
Thus, chocolate is a vegetable.
Chocolate candy bars also contain milk, which is dairy. So candy bars are a health food.
10/22/09 College + rain = Not fun!!
10/23/09 Hot Chocolate (from LDS) + Walking to class = bad idea!
10/25/09 College related word magnets are a great way to NOT get your homework done!
10/26/09 Education is dumb.
11/3/09 The Chemistry Library is a great place for a nap. But that is not a good way to get your chemistry done.
11/5/09 How to milk a cow!!
11/8/09 My friends are rude and liars….they didn’t go to a puppet show! It was a track meet!!
11/9/09 If you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, DON’T GET OUT OF BED! IT’S A SIGN!! (It also helps to go to a college that won’t inform you halfway through your first semester that your major is no longer available.)
11/11/09 Making cookies in a non-Pampered Chef kitchen is quite difficult and not as much fun!! I’m spoiled when it comes to kitchen products!!
11/16/09 How to walk fast!
11/19/09 How to bleed a chicken! ….”If you can bleed a chicken, you can do anything. You can become an IV drug user” –Dr. Cook
11/24/09 How to show a pig!
11/29/09 “Don’t ever stop in Winterset, Iowa for a potty break…gas station has ONE coed toilet! And it seems to have a never ending line. Took forever.” –Dana
11/30/09 SCUBA as in scuba diving stands for something: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus!! I learned something in chemistry!!
12/1/09 AGR+ fire extinguishers + 3am + Christmas trees = fire department coming to AWA house + a mess = Christmas spirit is here!!!
12/2/09 A quote from Dana’ Ag econ professor: “How does a women make a man dumb? All she must do is take off her clothes.”
12/2/09 “Guys are dumb.” -Scott
12/2/09 The word: avuncular! Means uncle-like!
12/7/09 “Why doesn’t MacDonalds use cage free eggs? They don’t want to kill people!” –Dr. Cook
12/9/09 Snow Days in College are fun!! So is sledding on cafeteria trays!
12/13/09 Being single is a good thing…Jesus was single!
12/14/09 An AnSci review session with the T.A.s is a waste of time.
12/15/09 Listening to the horrors of U.S. history was bad in enough in class…now rereading it just makes me even more angry! People did that to PEOPLE. NO MATTER THE COLOR OF THE SKIN…PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE!
12/ 18/09 Study Day at Blackhawk Church is AMAZING!!!
12/18/09 Jesus makes me smile!
12/19/09 Don’t drink coffee (aka French vanilla creamer with a little coffee) at 10:30 pm and try to go to sleep at 1am.
1/19/10 Being in the city is suffocating me already! And it’s only the first day back to classes!
1/21/10 I think I’m going to like my ag econ professor!
1/22/10 Maybe I should have read my chem book before going to class! Oops!
1/23/10 Reading my chemistry book, I mean actually reading and paying attention, is showing me just how great God’s love is for us and all other creatures He created! He is one smart man!
1/24/10 The smell of ripe raspberries is a favorite of the authors of my chemistry book…is that essential to my education???
1/27/10 Chemistry does not deserve a second chance!
1/28/10 Pyometra: white pus. It’s just a fancy name for uterine infection.
2/1/10 Taking a nap in between classes is a bad idea…but a four and a half hour nap does feel good!
2/2/10 You know you’re in college when your professors start referring to alcohol consumption to teach a lesson. For some reason, it’s not working for me!
2/3/10 Roommates (Present and Future) are amazing!
2/4/10 When you put on a name tag, put it on your right side!
2/10/10 Its bad when you learn and understand more about chemistry basics in one day of Soil Science than you did in a semester of Chem!
2/12/10 Earthworms poop minerals! Isn’t that amazing? They actually poop minerals! And they didn’t originate in the U.S.!
2/13/10 I need to go to Reader’s Anonymous!
2/14/10 I want to go to Minneapolis sometime this summer and spend a week or so volunteering at Shriners!
2/14/10 Jesus is my Valentine, for forever and ever!
2/14/10 Sometimes the best ideas for supper come straight out of the book you’re reading! The fried potatoes were amazing at 9:30pm. Thanks Salina and Jeremy!