Monday, January 30, 2012

Learned Freshman Year

Re-realizing just how much I love my dictionary. I keep it by my side whenever I’m reading!

Read Exodus

1/29/12 Chapter 19 comes before Chapter 20…grace before works.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

High Speed Internet

Watching a movie on Netflix is much better if you have good internet connection.

Friday, January 27, 2012


How to survive a Velociraptor attack.

The Nat

Don’t put your water bottle, sideways, in your bag on top of your jeans.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Spring Semester 2012 -Here we go!

1/23/12 Back to school. Back to school. Not sure if I’m ready for this!

1/24/12 Quote from my sister: “It’s not as much fun to sled by yourself than with others.”

1/26/12 You know you are not an Animal Science major anymore when…you say that you fed calves over Christmas break and everyone looks at you funny.

Winter Break 12/23/11 -1/22/12

Here's a small sampling of what I learned over break. Sorry for not posting in so long! Enjoy! :)

Milking cows is like riding a bike, once you’ve figured it out every time you do it again you can just get on and go!

How to [almost] have an outside campfire in early January and not freeze.

The New Year will come even if you’re not awake for it!

You are never too old for sledding.

How much I dislike snow and ice.

Sitting in the same spot when entering a room, even if you haven’t been there in almost a month, is definitely a habit.

How to watch at least 27 movies in 31 days…23 of which were with the same person… plus episodes of Gilmore Girls, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and The Dick Van Dyke Show.