Thursday, November 29, 2012

24 Women + Friends

Baked food in this house does not last very long. 


11/28/12 The reaction that 7th grade girls have when you make them give up their cellular devices and Ipods. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

His Last Lecture

"...When it comes to men that are romantically interested in you, it's really simple: just ignore everything they say, and only pay attention to what they do. It's that simple. It's that easy." Randy Pausch quoting CMU secretary


Here’s a new place to waste all of your time.” – Professor B.C. 


11/26/12 A cold room + Warm Blankets + Lying in bed + Reading for class = An early bedtime

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

11/21/12 Go to lecture right before a break…the professor just might give you exam answers!
11/22/12 I have so much to be thankful for!
11/23/12 There a bunch of cute little stores in Darlington.
11/24/12 Picking out the family Christmas tree is always an adventure.
11/25/12 Just what fun it is to go back to Madison and get a paper submitted in time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


In the past 4 year, I have fallen asleep in at least 10 buildings on campus.

A Late Night

11/19/12 Exit 318 is closed to the Milwaukee Airport.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sister's Date

There are a bunch of trails near Picnic Point that are awesome to explore.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Quality College Friday Night

Having a movie festival with friends is a blast, especially if you get to roll down Bascom Hill.
Rolling down Bascom Hill = Amazingly fun + muddy jeans and coat! 

Quality Education

11/15/12 How to build a marshmallow and spaghetti noodle structure…in class!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Water. Roller Coasters. Soda.

There’s nothing like a conversation with two middle schoolers. Talk about random! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Birthday Week!

11/9/12 There is this crazy awesome game where you “pass the bunny” and I’m really bad at playing it.
11/10/12 A trip to the library should always be scheduled when I am home.
11/11/12 How it feels to turn 22.
11/11/12 I have an absolutely ridiculous ‘roommate’ and amazing friends!
11/12/12 I really should have brought gloves back to college from home but really glad I had my hat!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Dutch Blitz + Pictionary + Brownies + Ice Cream = A way overdue Party with the Hardies! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


You know you’re old when they are creating a Boy Meets World sequel where Cory and Topanga have a teenage daughter. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Exam 2

No matter how hard I try not to or where I sit, I’m going to fall asleep while studying for Marriage and Family.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lovely Weekend Home

11/2/12 There is nothing like feeding calves with Dad.
11/3/12 Don’t try to do homework on the blue chairs –they will suck you in.
11/4/12 You know you’re a farm girl when…
·         Your hands smell like silage and you are happy with that.
·         You know how to make work fun.
·        You would rather have had to feed calves by yourself than do your homework.
·         The thought of dropping out of college to feed calves sounds appealing.

11/5/12 The sun is really bright when driving back to college from home in the morning. 

Advisor Meeting

11/1/12 Going for a run is a great way to clear your mind.