Thursday, January 31, 2013

1 John 4:10

You are unfathomably loved by someone unfathomably big.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Organismic and Mechanistic

How making cookies and building towers relate to human development.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

50 and Raining...In January

You never know what sort of weather you are going to get in Wisconsin.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Same Professor

To what purpose graham crackers were developed. 

7 Stages of Life

When your professor walks into the room and starts performing a Shakespearean soliloquy, you know it’ll be an interesting class. 

Slightly Lost Senior

UW-Madison’s architecture and building planning never fails to confuse me. 

Winter Weekend

1/26/13 Brunch with friends is a lovely occasion.
1/27/13 Wintry mix outside is a great reason for a Sunday afternoon nap inside!

Friday, January 25, 2013

We Want Ice Cream!

How to fit 7 people into a Ford Focus, and not get caught.
FFA members + Hockey + Free custard = An awesome night!

Random: It's Controversial

What an itch is.


1/24/13 I should really just stay away from bookstores. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don'ts for a New Semester

1/22/13 Don’t wear thin shoes when it is under 5 degrees out when walking to class.
1/23/13 Don’t put a mug of tea in your book bag and then walk to class…even if you think it won’t spill. 

Last Semester

12/21/12 Making online notecards is a great way to study for exams…even if you write them and start studying less than 12 hours before your exam.
12/22/12 Going home after writing and submitting five different papers totaling approximately 60 pages in the two weeks prior, and taking two final exams, is probably one of the greatest feelings ever!