Wednesday, March 20, 2013


You need to show an ID to purchase cough syrup. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Last 5 Days!

3/14/13 “Jesus is not Barney”
3/14/13 I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.
3/15/13 How to make a friendship bracelet.
3/16/13 Shamrock Shakes are good.
3/16/13 Peeling onions for 3 hours can actually be a lot of fun.
3/16/13 How to make meringue.
3/16/13 How to make homemade somoas.
3/17/13 Not turning your computer on for a full day can be great!
3/18/13 Sisters Dates are the best!
3/19/13 “I keep telling you, I’m not a good leader. I’ve never been a good leader. You need to listen to what I say, not what I do.” –My professor for Community Leadership course

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Still Love 'Em

“I don’t bite strangers, I lick them.” -7th Grade Girl

FB Thread

My high school friends and I are still as strange and awesome as ever!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Baking!

How to make French bread without Sonia. 


Sometimes you just have to stay up late to start and finish a good book. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend's over!

Most high schooler’s perspective of school is that “It’s boring!” 

3/10/13 Sung to: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Sticky buns rising next to a fake fire,
Two friends running low on sleep,
Random food cravings every night, everywhere!
Happy Baking Day to You!

3/10/13 Two Sleepy Friends

Late nights (early mornings) are great for creating strange songs.
There are a few good things on tv between midnight and 3am when you have more than 5 channels.
Not telling your sister when you are going to church can turn out to be wonderful!
A diet of cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, and cookie probably is not the best. Real food looks really good after that is all you’ve eaten all day. 

3/9/13 Happy Baking Day!

How to make sticky buns.
Yeast does not like cold ingredients.
A fireplace helps dough rise faster.
Set out all the ingredients you’ll need before you start mixing it all together.
Randomly making homemade pizza is a wonderful idea.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Huge Accomplishment

I am capable of going to a place once and remembering how to get there over 3 weeks later! And I wasn't even driving! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Third Born

Not turning on your alarm + getting a text from your sister at the exact time you need to be up = Awesome! 

First Born

3/6/13 A phone call with your sister is sometimes way overdue!

Slight Burn...No big deal!

3/5/13 A pound of butter makes a great ice pack!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lights On

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you are 98% still asleep and it is 2am! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Take No Naps

Tea is such a great way to keep you awake and focused! 

Log Cabin Family Restaurant

3/2/13 How to successfully pick out a restaurant online for Formal.


3/2/13 It is incredible the experience you gain in five years.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Fun Friday

Putting 40 folders together goes much faster with 3 people helping!
The appropriate way to celebrate National Peanut Butter Day.