Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CFFA Tradition

Chuck E. Cheese: Where college students can just be kids!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Surprise ice cream date with Mom = A wonderful study break!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love Madison

How to have soil and orange powered paint under your fingernails in one day…and get them clean by the end of it!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Long List

Allen Centennial Gardens is a great place to knock off several things from your to-do list. 

Nav Nite Quotes

4/26/13 “Well there is nothing else to do in a belly of a whale than write Hebrew poetry.”
“God is not Santa Claus.” –Nathan T

Different Day, Same Title

4/25/13 Actually, I will not regret not attending CALS Senior Party. Crawling into bed and listening to a book sounds like a much better option.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reader's Anonymous

Most exciting part of my day: Finding Anne of Windy Poplars audiobook download for free!ouH

MS Home Group

It’s crazy how quickly a school year goes. 

Dinner Plans

4/23/13 It’s a nice break when you don’t have to cook for the House.

Monday, April 22, 2013


It is possible for me to accomplish something on a Monday night! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Roadtrips and TM

4/19/13 Roadtrips to RF with friends are more enjoyable than solo roadtrips.
I missed my friends a lot.
4/20/13 Hudson Bagel is delightful.
How to go to Ikea and not buy something.
Van Wilder is an interesting movie.
The Logo Board Game is very difficult but fun.
4/21/13 When napping during the drive, I missed out on seeing a dragon and “unicern.”
A rooster-crow alarm clock is a great way to get me to wake up.
How to compare a crocus to faith. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

School. Work. Fun.

Some days it is better to skip class and be productive at home.
How to make copies of 45 CD’s in less than 2 hours… using at least 7 computers.
A Blue Moon burger (with cheddar) is delicious!
UW-Madison Varsity Band Concert is amazing, as always.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Deep Questions

Neither cockroaches or jellyfish urinate.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Interesting Thought

“It’s harder when everyone thinks at the same time.” –My Community Leadership Professor

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day after Breakfast!

Naps are allowed today. 

It's HERE!


  • I wake up a lot easier when I’m not waking up to do something school related.
  • There’s nothing quite like cleaning snow off your car at 4:55 on an April morning!
  • How to do some serious problem solving.
  • How to feed around 1200 people and educate them about agriculture in one day.
  • Taking something down goes faster than setting it up.
  • If people think I’m quiet, they have definitely not seen me when I’m tired.
  • In Wisconsin you seriously can experience [almost] every season, in one day.
  • Even if there’s rain/sleet/snow and you are hosting an outdoor event, always keep a smile on your face. 

Day Before Breakfast


  • It is possible to get something done before setting up for Breakfast.
  • Things won’t take as long as you expect if there are lots of people to help.
  • Hot chocolate made with milk and chocolate syrup is always better.
  • A movie and pizza with friends after a long day is the only way to do it!
  • It is possible to go to sleep early the night before Breakfast.

Friday, April 12, 2013

18th Annual!

You know its Breakfast Week when…
  • You are overly excited about cutting the last onion!
  • You are thankful that they didn’t need you to come into work.
  • Your idea of a nice Friday night is tomato soup and grilled cheese with friends…and then going to be early.
  • You get several phone calls from random people that you don’t know.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Paper writing

I love movies, they are definitely better than college!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Permanent markers can get to your head. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Breakfast Time!!!

There is no such thing as a dull trip to Sam’s Club. 


4/8/13 Never lay down in your bed unless you are prepared to go to sleep.    

Sunday, April 7, 2013

6 Hours

Watching baptisms and listening to stories of so many people is such a great reminder of God’s love for us! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

After Spring Break

3/31/13 There’s no better way to celebrate the resurrection of my Lord and Savior than by milking cows with my brother. (Or maybe there is!)
4/1/13 Returning to school after Spring break is never that much fun.
4/2/13 Rolls do not last long at AWA.
4/3/13 Man, I love the 7th graders, even if I’m a little out of it.
4/5/13 How to work at two jobs in one day!
4/6/13 Sitting at table of just AGR boys makes AWA Day far more interesting. 

Spring Break (3/22/13-3/29/13)

  • “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and make the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank with roots deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they go right on producing delicious fruit.” –Jeremiah 17: 7-8
  • I need to watch Prince of Egypt again.
  • Spending 16 hours in a van together provides a great opportunity to get to know each other.
  • Houses can look like mountains.
  • I am thankful that boys like to show off their strength and push vans up hills (mountains).
  • I can rock climb!!!
  • Don’t tell people that they are stupid and liars…just say thank you!
  • 700 wives, 300 concubines…. “That’s a little weird.”
  • Eagle Lake is so beautiful….Creation is so beautiful!
  • City lights are very gorgeous as well!
  • Exploring a castle in the mountain of Colorado is awesome!
  • How to play Nertz…and win!
  • How to play Killer Spoons.
  • “The promises of God are as real as the circumstances you are in.” –Jerry Bridges
  • “The difficulties of life are worth it!”
  • How to do the “Sister Snap.”
  • Cold cut sandwiches every day for 4 days straight are great.
  • Taking pictures in a family restroom at a gas station is a great memory maker. 

Almost Spring Break

3/22/13 Sometimes you just have to pull an all-nighter.
3/22/13 After being awake for 31 hours, sleep (even in a van) is greatly appreciated.
3/23/13 Road-tripping to Colorado is a blast and makes lots of great memories!