Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cooking Interrupted

How to light a match.

How to light the pilot light for the stove top…kind of. 

Moral Development

“There are very few contexts in which stabbing someone is good.” –Child Development Professor 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Darius Goes West

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common fatal genetic disorder to affect children. 
DGW. Know About It. 


11/23/13 Cleaning can take a really long time.

11/24/13 Memorial Library is really confusing. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

And Letter Stuffing

Impromptu baking, cooking, and movie watching make a good Friday Night.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Least Scientific

Evolutionary adaptiveness: “We just make up that story” –My Child Development Professor

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


How to hold an “epic” Home Group.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Interesting Tuesday

“Bears don’t happen in Maryland!” –K.D.
Participating in experiments may mean learning new names to new creatures and playing solitaire.

Taking time away to buy things for kids in another country and eating frozen yogurt with friends is a great choice! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Guest Speakers

“The best conversationalist is the listener”

“Never pet a burning dog.”   

Feeling Blessed

11/17/13 It’s nice when you have the option to go to a later church service rather than going outside in the rain/hail. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Girls Night!

Pizza, Pirates, Phish Food and "Phriends" = a great Saturday night! 
You know you have a good friend when she just scrapes off the burnt parts and is adamant the food is good!

30 Minute Walk

It is possible (though not ideal) to wake up fifteen minutes before you need to be somewhere and get there only fifteen minutes late.

My Crazy Life

11/14/13 You know you’ve been working with computers too much at work when your personal computer needs to update and you have emotional reactions to the Windows Update picture.

11/15/13 How is it halfway through November???

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blogs and Middle School

JOY: Jesus, next Others, then Yourself 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 Bits of Knowledge

11/9/13 What it is like to go wedding dress shopping.
11/9/13 An afternoon “Tea” is delightful.
11/10/13 Old hats are a lot of fun to try on.
11/11/13 What it feels like to turn 23.

11/12/13 I can be incredibly productive if I turn off my phone and not allow myself to connect to the internet. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Love Came Down

11/8/13 I am not my own, I am forever Yours. 

Exam Day

11/7/13 The WID is a great place to study!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So My Professor Says...

What interpretation of Milgram’s obedience theory people will be talking about at a cocktail party. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Study Participant

I have always disliked fractions. Now after not really practicing them for a long time, I have forgotten everything!


11/4/13 When it is late and you are tired and you lay down in bed to read, it’s nice to have a roommate who will shut your light off for you after you pass out!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Think, I Feel like Today was Random

It’s great having friends who live in the same apartment building.
Be sure to look at how many ingredients you are trying to fit into you bowl before you start mixing.
How to make your own self-rising flour.
How to make apple bread.
Running a social science experiment is not that bad.
A lot about feelings and thinking. And Like. And how they all go together!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sieve, Sieve, Sieve!

Going to a Hockey game and sitting in the student section (for the first time) is a great way to hear some funny things. Example: “Sorry, I major in spaceships.” 

Quiet Life

10/31/13 My ideal Halloween festivities is drinking tea and watching a (non-scary) movie with friends.  

IT Girl

What it means to image or mirror the hard drive of a computer BUT not actually how to do it.

You can only image a hard drive a total of three times.