Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dr. Cook

There is soap in cat food that makes hair balls disintegrate.

An Equation for Cleanliness

12/21 & 22/11 6 shriveled hands + 5 hours + 4 sponges + 3 steel wool + 2 awesome roommates = 1 very clean stove! Additional knowledge: buy a self-cleaning electric stove!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Drinking Tea

Yogurt is not a good substitute for milk in your tea.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Majorly Behind!

12/12/11 The King James Version of the Bible has some awesome quotes… example: “What meanest thou, O sleeper?” Jonah 1:6

12/13/11 How to attend three meeting in less than three hours…without being late for any of them!

12/14/11 There are not many people at the Nitty Gritty at 2pm on a Wednesday!

12/15/11 How to write flash cards!

12/16/11 Study Day never fails…best bi-annual holiday EVER!

12/17/11 How to at put least 50 note cards on one sheet of regular paper.

12/18/11 How to play 'four on a couch' and 'telephone pictionary.'

12/19/11 Blowing bubbles…inside your room…is a great to spend your time during finals week.

Monday, December 12, 2011

To Build Up

What the word culminate means!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Crossword Puzzle

Hod is another word for coal bucket.