Monday, December 19, 2011

Majorly Behind!

12/12/11 The King James Version of the Bible has some awesome quotes… example: “What meanest thou, O sleeper?” Jonah 1:6

12/13/11 How to attend three meeting in less than three hours…without being late for any of them!

12/14/11 There are not many people at the Nitty Gritty at 2pm on a Wednesday!

12/15/11 How to write flash cards!

12/16/11 Study Day never fails…best bi-annual holiday EVER!

12/17/11 How to at put least 50 note cards on one sheet of regular paper.

12/18/11 How to play 'four on a couch' and 'telephone pictionary.'

12/19/11 Blowing bubbles…inside your room…is a great to spend your time during finals week.

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