Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Another Movie Night

Shrek is not the cleanest movie. 

CFFA Movie Night

10/30/12 Person 1: Anyone else kicking themselves for procrastination? Person 2: I usually wait for the last moment to start kicking myself. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Crazy week!

10/24/12 “Personality Telephone” is a difficult activity, especially when you don’t know what is going on!
10/25/12 “If you gotta have a hero, make sure they’re dead…so they don’t blow it.” –Random man on video
10/26/12 The game “Signs” is confusing… but a lot of fun once you figure it out.
10/27/12 There’s nothing like finding a random recipe, substituting ingredients for it, and enjoying a meal with your roommate!
10/28/12 You know that your meal was good if it is gone by morning!
10/29/12 Siblings are great alarm clocks. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

8am Class

Sometimes you have to have an internal argument with yourself to get yourself out of bed. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Summer Reflection

10/22/12 A summer of drought will make you appreciate rain so much. I may have been soaking wet but I WILL NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT RAIN!

The Weekender!

10/19/12 A quarter of a pumpkin pie is a nutritious breakfast/lunch…uh huh!
10/20/12 Watching Ultimate Frisbee is actually really awesome!
10/21/12 There is a reason Mom always wanted us to clean before going somewhere…coming home to a messy room is not fun!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cooking with Joy and Julie

My friend, Joy, and I decided we wanted to cook with a fresh pumpkin after having extras from carving them. We knew it would be a learning experience...but it really went beyond expectations! I did some research and found an awesome 16 page recipe to make pumpkin pie with a fresh pumpkin. 
And here is the story of how we learned to make pumpkin pie and pumpkin bars out of REAL pumpkin and, of course, what we learned during the process!

The inside of a pumpkin looks wicked awesome!

 Cooking pumpkin in the microwave is faster than on the stove.

 Cooking with real pumpkin takes a long time.

 One large pumpkin can make a lot of treats. 

After learning this, we looked up a recipe for pumpkin bars!

How to share the kitchen. 

Warm pumpkin pie is delicious. (And so were the bars!)

There is a reason I shouldn't wear aprons ALL the time.

The time it takes to bake is totally worth it! 

We had an amazing time baking together! I hope you enjoyed our Daily College Knowledge! And in the future, look for our own cooking show on national television! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


"Soccer will unite nations and lead to world peace."

Oh Wednesdays!

How to accomplish a lot of things in one day! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Just how incredible it is to stop under a tree and look up in Autumn. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Coffee Shop

Adventures with my sisters are always the best…can’t wait until we can have adventures all together again!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend Fun!

10/13/12 Watching a movie with your ‘roommate’ should be done more often!

Watching football with awesome people can actually be fun…learning from the whole weekend!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Campus Treasures

In Centennial Gardens, there is this tree that is like a tent! It has to be the same kind that is hiding the tower in Tangled.

How to get the music to play outside of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.   

Bedtime: 2 AM

I still get into random cleaning moods late in the night! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

1 Month Later...Almost

Check the cracks in the couch when you lose your phone…even when you don’t remember EVER sitting on it!

1m 49s

10/10/12 I leave really ridiculous voicemails when I am tired. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Paper Due at Midnight!

10/9/12 How to rock out a Research Precis in an hour and a half!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Skyping with your sister is definitely a good reason to delay doing your homework. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


The ‘coincidences’ that God brings to our lives are incredible. 

The Colored Shavings

10/6/12 Spending 11 hours in the Expo showring picking up manure can be a little fun! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mystery Sundaes: That'll Do

Bacon on ice cream actually isn't terrible. 


10/4/12 Campus is crazy busy when the President of the United States is visiting.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


You know you've been working in the Grilled Cheese Stand when your fingers hurt from being repeatedly burned by sandwiches!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It’s really hard for me to stay awake when I’m supposed to be studying. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Expo Time

9/30/12 You can see the stars in Madison at 5:45am while crossing University Ave!
10/1/12 Whether it is WSF or WDE, grilled cheese always taste better when made at a grilled cheese stand.