Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cooking with Joy and Julie

My friend, Joy, and I decided we wanted to cook with a fresh pumpkin after having extras from carving them. We knew it would be a learning experience...but it really went beyond expectations! I did some research and found an awesome 16 page recipe to make pumpkin pie with a fresh pumpkin. 
And here is the story of how we learned to make pumpkin pie and pumpkin bars out of REAL pumpkin and, of course, what we learned during the process!

The inside of a pumpkin looks wicked awesome!

 Cooking pumpkin in the microwave is faster than on the stove.

 Cooking with real pumpkin takes a long time.

 One large pumpkin can make a lot of treats. 

After learning this, we looked up a recipe for pumpkin bars!

How to share the kitchen. 

Warm pumpkin pie is delicious. (And so were the bars!)

There is a reason I shouldn't wear aprons ALL the time.

The time it takes to bake is totally worth it! 

We had an amazing time baking together! I hope you enjoyed our Daily College Knowledge! And in the future, look for our own cooking show on national television! :)


  1. Hey! You wanna share that recipe? I've got two small pumpkins sitting in my room waiting for some attention :)
