Monday, September 30, 2013


There is a disability that occurs when part of chromosome 15 is missing. Less than 500 people have it. 

Pre-Expo Weekend

9/27/13 Blue Moon burgers are always delicious, no matter what time you get there!
9/28/13 Chinese and a business suit fashion show: a great end to a long Saturday!

9/29/13 A long Saturday, followed by a long Sunday leads to a accidentally long Sunday afternoon nap.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Not a Nap

A walk in the afternoon is something I should do more often. 

Grown Up Things

It’s not easy to only purchase what is on your shopping list, especially when you really like grocery stores.

Reading Textbooks

9/25/13 Sometimes adults need bedtime stories too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Locked Out

When you go out the apartment building door to grab a box, don’t let the door close behind you. 

Mainline Flushing

Why one may see a bunch of water gushing out of a fire hydrant when there is no fire.

Veggies and Advice

9/22/13 What a rutabaga tastes like.

9/23/13 “Don’t believe anything I say…challenge it, research it, make your own decisions.” –Guest Lecturer in class 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lazy Saturday

I’m getting better at this cleaning and organizing thing…except for when I’m distracted by aforesaid book.


9/20/13 One of the best ways to spend a Friday evening is with a cup of tea and a good book…until 2 am Saturday morning!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sopping Wet

It’s days like these when I am reminded that I should invest in a pair of rain boots and carry an umbrella with me at all times. 

First HG

9/18/13 Hanging out with 40 middle schoolers is awesome but crazy!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Maryland is a ridiculously funny shaped state!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Thinking about how I was negatively influenced by peer pressure is actually kind of difficult.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rainy Day Away

How to make a day that was planned for outdoor activities a success….indoors! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Run Today

For the past two years, at least once a week, I’ve been parking right behind the chancellor’s house and didn’t even know it!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Student Hourly

How to spend three hours putting labels on envelopes and only get one paper cut!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Almost Two Weeks of Learning

9/3/13 “The first day of class is always syllabus day.” –Child Development Prof
9/4/13 Going grocery shopping for yourself is a fun, strange activity.
9/5/13 Double check the time of your class, no matter how sure you are about it starting at 3:30.
9/6/13 Some days you just got to change your cooking plans and go grocery shopping again. And then some nights you just got to come home, do the dishes, and be anti-social.
9/7/13 I have the habit of forgetting that it is game day. And on game day, most people wear red.
9/7/13 Getting produce at the farmer’s market is a lot of fun, especially with awesome ladies!
9/7/13 I love dinner and a movie with my ‘roommate!’
9/8/13 A lot more people go to the 9:30 service than the 11:15 service.
9/9/13 Some days you just have to pass out after a long day of work and classes.
9/10/13 I’m still a really slow reader.
9/11/13 Always check for an open parking spot, even if it means driving more if there isn’t one.
9/12/13 Don’t clip your finger nails near your cup of tea.

Summer Learning -Summer 2013

First, though, some summer learning. (Because I don't have to only learn when college is is session)
  • How to live away from home for a summer.
  • How to survive on a Holstein farm.
  • How to cut up watermelon.
  • How to drive a minivan.
  • Summer sausage makes great meat for sandwiches.
  • Why middle schoolers (and leaders) live for Madison Missions.
  • How to drive a group of middle schoolers around Madison and not completely get lost!
  • Rolling down a hill is such a great bonding activity.
  • I become very childlike when playing on a playground.
  • Hanging out, watching westerns is a great way to spend an evening.
  • I don’t mind having an indoor cat. Especially if it is fat and hilarious!
  • How to drive to Springfield, IL, and only get lost once.
  • A drive to the Chicago area, even for less than 48 hours is totally worth it!
  • Seeing your sister for the first time in over a year is a most amazing feeling.
  • Wisconsin State Fair, I just can’t stay away from you.
  • Visiting some local tourist/historical sites for the first time is a lot of fun.
  • How to climb the World’s Largest ‘M.’
  • Staying at home an extra night to babysit my favorite kids is absolutely worth it!
  • How to put more miles on your car in one summer than you did the whole school year previous.

My Last Semester

I have returned to college for my last semester as an undergrad (and maybe ever). School has been in session for almost two weeks and I'm just finally getting to adding some Daily College Knowledge.  I'm sure it will be an adventure and I will trust that God will get me through the tests, homework, and confusion. HE will carry me through! I hope you enjoy learning, and growing, with me this year!