Thursday, September 12, 2013

Summer Learning -Summer 2013

First, though, some summer learning. (Because I don't have to only learn when college is is session)
  • How to live away from home for a summer.
  • How to survive on a Holstein farm.
  • How to cut up watermelon.
  • How to drive a minivan.
  • Summer sausage makes great meat for sandwiches.
  • Why middle schoolers (and leaders) live for Madison Missions.
  • How to drive a group of middle schoolers around Madison and not completely get lost!
  • Rolling down a hill is such a great bonding activity.
  • I become very childlike when playing on a playground.
  • Hanging out, watching westerns is a great way to spend an evening.
  • I don’t mind having an indoor cat. Especially if it is fat and hilarious!
  • How to drive to Springfield, IL, and only get lost once.
  • A drive to the Chicago area, even for less than 48 hours is totally worth it!
  • Seeing your sister for the first time in over a year is a most amazing feeling.
  • Wisconsin State Fair, I just can’t stay away from you.
  • Visiting some local tourist/historical sites for the first time is a lot of fun.
  • How to climb the World’s Largest ‘M.’
  • Staying at home an extra night to babysit my favorite kids is absolutely worth it!
  • How to put more miles on your car in one summer than you did the whole school year previous.

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