Thursday, October 10, 2013

Expo Week

10/1/13 I still know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich…and how to burn my fingers repeatedly when putting them into bags.
10/2/13 Hanging out with friends after MS activities is a lot of fun.
10/3/13 I still love working in the Milk House at WDE even if I don’t remember how to do everything exactly.
10/4/13 Trying to go to bed early is not always an easy task.
10/5/13 Even if you’re not scheduled in the Cheese Stand, work there anyways…way more fun!
10/5/13 If you say it’s okay for you to continue to work at Expo, be sure to ask how much longer you’ll be working.

10/5/13 How to survive working at 4 Expo’s without ever going on a Milk Run!

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