Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oh My Goodness...Catching Up!

12/5/13 I guess it’s possible for a book to be taken out of reserves at the library.
12/5/13 Two movies about Robin Hood is a great use of time.
12/6/13 What one should do when their car says low oil…luckily not learned by personal experience.
12/7/13 For some reason I can manage to wake up on time (even early) on mornings that I don’t need to.
12/7/13 “That’s a fat tree!” –Boy at Christmas tree farm
12/8/13 I love being home, expect when I’m woken up at 3:30am to milk.
12/8/13 The plant in my room is real...even though it looks very fake! "What? That is real? I haven't been watering it because I thought it was fake!"
12/9/13 Sometimes it’s okay to not use the correct edition of the textbook to write a paper.
12/9/13 A little bit about what it is like to have glaucoma. (via simulation goggles)
12/10/13 The week before finals always seems to be worse than actual finals week.

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