Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yellow Light

I think I’m just a really bad driver the night after FIRE is over. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

200? 1000? Whatever!

It is hard to guess the number of post it notes you have when they are just lying on the floor. When you stack them all together, you can tell there’s a lot more!  

Bible Study

9/25/12 Caramel Apple Pie and Jesus…what more do you need?

Nonverbal Communication

9/24/12 How to perform an experimental study in about 20 minutes.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Past Couple Days

9/20/12 It’s good to take time to decorate your room!
9/21/12 Just how much I love the beds at home.
9/22/12 How to survive almost an entire week without a phone.
9/23/12 Leaving home and the calves is hard but school awaits! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Construction in Madison

 You know you are driving slowly when: Your GPS asks if you would like to change to “Walking Mode”. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dead Battery

How to jump start my own car…twice! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Little Buddy

You know the squirrels rule the city when…you can’t shut your window because they have lodged a walnut in it! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

HG Day Away

Using spray paint to “tie-dye” t-shirts is wicked awesome and so much better than using actual dye! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Apples N Tea

You can fit a lot of apples into a bag that’s slightly larger than a grocery bag! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Runaway Bunny

“A crocus is a flower but not a dead flower.” –JV 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


9/12/12 3 boys + 1 moped = My Day Made!
9/13/12 Frozen Yogurt + Your Sister = A Great Time

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Productivity? Fail.

Not wanting to do one assignment leads to not wanting to do any assignments. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lost Freshman

A general consensus by UW-Madison students that was enforced to me today: The architects of Vilas Hall were smoking something really strong while designing the building. Its not like it even looks cool!   

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Extra 15 Minutes

How to get off campus (in your car) during the Ironman. After trying multiple options! 


9/8/12 It is sometimes okay to yes to the random food cravings.

Boot-Camp Challenge

9/7/12 When you have the chance, go through the random bouncy-house type obstacle course you see on campus...even if it is 11:30pm. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nonprofit Organizations

There are actually 28 types of 501(c)’s! 501(c) 3 is, of course, the most common, being tax-exempt and tax-deductible! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sound Magnified

For a quick, cheap and recyclable speaker for your phone or iPod, put it in a plastic cup! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day One...All Done!

  • “Only fools and dead people never change their minds” –My Sociology professor repeating his mother
  • “You can tell if someone is Hungarian by how well they speak muga (spelling probably wrong!).” –My Hungarian Strategic Planning professor
  • The best way to start the school year is by making Sonia’s Rolls.  

Summer Edition: Part 2

  • The joys of Wisconsin State Fair Ag Staff, again…11 more days!
  • How to drive a Case IH Scout.
  • How to survive WSF without Dana.
  • WSF is held together by zip ties. 
  • How to bike to Lancaster from home!
  • How much you can miss being with middle schoolers, especially after teaching kids age 10 and under!
  • Whether it rains today, in a week, or next year, we are blessed!
  • How to pick 40 pounds of strawberries in just a couple hours with 4 people! And how to use them all!
  • How much I love calves.
  • Relearned how amazing the Anne of Green Gables books are…as well as the movies!
  • It’s all about the experience: From getting lost in Madison to going to Yo Mama’s near Milwaukee.
  • How difficult it is to look around and see the results of drought.
  • “Ego is the anesthesia of stupidity.”
  • There are just too many movies out there that Dana and I want to see. I don’t know if we’ll ever get through them all!
  • How much fun a picnic in the park can be!
  • I was not meant to go camping or at least not be in charge of choosing a campsite!
  • Books are good. I love books. Probably too much!
  • If you see a bunch of people on the side of the street, especially in a small town, think about the fact that maybe there is a parade happening. Find a way out!!! Or you will just get stuck watching a rather boring and long small town parade.
  • Going to fairs when you are ‘old’ is really strange and not as much fun.
  • Sometimes you don’t realize how much you missed someone until you see them again.
  • Back up your laptop, A LOT! But be thankful that your new one came in the mail the day before your old one crashed.
  • Don’t even think you are going to leave home at the time you planned. It’s not going to happen.
  • You should not wait 5 years to use a pan you had your mom buy specifically for a recipe.
  • You know you are a WSF ag staffer when you get super excited about bright colored zip ties at the Dollar Tree.
  • I really like Cinderella 3. Such a good movie.
  • You know you are at a small town grocery store when there is almost more alcohol there than food. 
  • When you run out of cloths pins...never fear! Just use chip clips!
  • How to keep in decent contact with your sister in Africa!

Summer Edition: Part 1

My Wonderful Trip to Pennsylvania
  • There is not enough days to fit everything that I was meant to see in Pennsylvania in one trip!
  • When going to Gettysburg, spend more than a couple hours.
  • Driving in downpour of rain is not fun…even when you’re not the one driving!
  • There are really shiny things on the Penn State campus…shiny ducks (who think they are flamingoes), shiny floors and shiny fish (in the ‘aquarium’).
  • Just how amazing my roommates’ family is!
  • How to play really awesome games on the trampoline…compliments of Joshy!
  • I cannot live in mountainous areas or else I’d be sick all the time!
  • How to make a wicked awesome commercial…in a cabin…at a campsite…in the rain…for chocolate milk!
  • It never fails…Sonia is going to win Dutch Blitz.
  • Favorite quote from trip:
    • Uncle Tony: “What is Julie going to do without you next year?”
    • Sonia: “Oh she’ll be fine. She just won’t be able to finish her sentences.
  • Something I still haven’t learned but need to: Why does almost everybody in PA have candles in EVERY window of their house???