Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer Edition: Part 2

  • The joys of Wisconsin State Fair Ag Staff, again…11 more days!
  • How to drive a Case IH Scout.
  • How to survive WSF without Dana.
  • WSF is held together by zip ties. 
  • How to bike to Lancaster from home!
  • How much you can miss being with middle schoolers, especially after teaching kids age 10 and under!
  • Whether it rains today, in a week, or next year, we are blessed!
  • How to pick 40 pounds of strawberries in just a couple hours with 4 people! And how to use them all!
  • How much I love calves.
  • Relearned how amazing the Anne of Green Gables books are…as well as the movies!
  • It’s all about the experience: From getting lost in Madison to going to Yo Mama’s near Milwaukee.
  • How difficult it is to look around and see the results of drought.
  • “Ego is the anesthesia of stupidity.”
  • There are just too many movies out there that Dana and I want to see. I don’t know if we’ll ever get through them all!
  • How much fun a picnic in the park can be!
  • I was not meant to go camping or at least not be in charge of choosing a campsite!
  • Books are good. I love books. Probably too much!
  • If you see a bunch of people on the side of the street, especially in a small town, think about the fact that maybe there is a parade happening. Find a way out!!! Or you will just get stuck watching a rather boring and long small town parade.
  • Going to fairs when you are ‘old’ is really strange and not as much fun.
  • Sometimes you don’t realize how much you missed someone until you see them again.
  • Back up your laptop, A LOT! But be thankful that your new one came in the mail the day before your old one crashed.
  • Don’t even think you are going to leave home at the time you planned. It’s not going to happen.
  • You should not wait 5 years to use a pan you had your mom buy specifically for a recipe.
  • You know you are a WSF ag staffer when you get super excited about bright colored zip ties at the Dollar Tree.
  • I really like Cinderella 3. Such a good movie.
  • You know you are at a small town grocery store when there is almost more alcohol there than food. 
  • When you run out of cloths pins...never fear! Just use chip clips!
  • How to keep in decent contact with your sister in Africa!

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