Monday, December 23, 2013

I Didn't Drop Out

12/21/13 What it feels like to take your last final in college.
12/22/13 How to push your mom's van onto the main street to make it to graduation.
12/2213 How it feels to graduate from college! AMAZING!!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Small Successes

How to walk down Bascom Hill without falling, even though it was rather icy. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Making caramel apple pie with a friend is a great study break!

Writing Flash Cards

My writing gets even worse when I’m writing small and it is late.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

According to Middle Schoolers

Someday, there are going to Math Sheep and Math Alpacas and we are going to use telegraphs again. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thinking Ahead

Although May is going to be sad, I’m excited to see my “PA family.”

Dutch Blitz

Sometimes, you just have to buy yourself a game so you can play it that night.

Joyous Time

Christmas shopping is much more fun with a friend.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Number 1 vs. Number 9

Today's knowledge is repeated from my freshman year when I attended my first Blackhawk Study Day. Many things have changed since that day four years ago but God's love and His ability to bring joy has not! And Study Day is still the BEST EVER!   

{12/18/09} Study Day at Blackhawk Church is AMAZING!!!

{12/18/09} Jesus makes me smile!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Weekend Learning

12/14/13 Waking up at 7am on a Saturday for pancakes with friends and a group call for another’s birthday is worth it!

12/15/13 Catch phrase is a very fun game, especially with a bunch of fun, possibly over competitive people.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Adaptive Fitness

Sometimes that project you wanted to quit at the beginning of the semester becomes one of the highlights of your final semester of college!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Psalm 98

Joy to the World is NOT a Christmas carol.

My Last Day of Classes

Some days, Senior-it is hits you and you just don’t want to study for that exam.
I never have to attend class ever again (unless, of course, I want to!) 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


PG Tips just don’t taste right without milk. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oh My Goodness...Catching Up!

12/5/13 I guess it’s possible for a book to be taken out of reserves at the library.
12/5/13 Two movies about Robin Hood is a great use of time.
12/6/13 What one should do when their car says low oil…luckily not learned by personal experience.
12/7/13 For some reason I can manage to wake up on time (even early) on mornings that I don’t need to.
12/7/13 “That’s a fat tree!” –Boy at Christmas tree farm
12/8/13 I love being home, expect when I’m woken up at 3:30am to milk.
12/8/13 The plant in my room is real...even though it looks very fake! "What? That is real? I haven't been watering it because I thought it was fake!"
12/9/13 Sometimes it’s okay to not use the correct edition of the textbook to write a paper.
12/9/13 A little bit about what it is like to have glaucoma. (via simulation goggles)
12/10/13 The week before finals always seems to be worse than actual finals week.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wednesday Nights

Anticipation + Patience = Hope

Gigi’s Cupcakes two nights in a row is a pleasant surprise! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

B-Stud and Sister's Date

The book of Esther is meant to be read at one time.

Ian's Pizza and Gigi’s Cupcakes are a delicious combination. 


Sending your child to a high quality daycare or preschool in Wisconsin will cost $20,000 a year. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


American Sign Language does not use English grammar and syntax rules and is a very neat language.

A random but meaningful text sometimes provides wisdom that you need to hear.   

Thanksgiving Break

11/27/13 Laminating things is not as fun when you’re not at WSF and don’t have as nice of a laminator.
11/27/13 A long overdue roommate chat makes the drive home much faster.
11/28/13 I am beyond blessed and have many things to be thankful for!
11/29/13 Black Friday shopping never fails to be an adventure.
11/30/13 Fresh string cheese is delicious.
12/1/13 I love my large extended family…even if I don’t know half of their names.

12/1/13 A trip to Narnia makes the drive back to school far more bearable.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cooking Interrupted

How to light a match.

How to light the pilot light for the stove top…kind of. 

Moral Development

“There are very few contexts in which stabbing someone is good.” –Child Development Professor 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Darius Goes West

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common fatal genetic disorder to affect children. 
DGW. Know About It. 


11/23/13 Cleaning can take a really long time.

11/24/13 Memorial Library is really confusing. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

And Letter Stuffing

Impromptu baking, cooking, and movie watching make a good Friday Night.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Least Scientific

Evolutionary adaptiveness: “We just make up that story” –My Child Development Professor

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


How to hold an “epic” Home Group.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Interesting Tuesday

“Bears don’t happen in Maryland!” –K.D.
Participating in experiments may mean learning new names to new creatures and playing solitaire.

Taking time away to buy things for kids in another country and eating frozen yogurt with friends is a great choice! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Guest Speakers

“The best conversationalist is the listener”

“Never pet a burning dog.”   

Feeling Blessed

11/17/13 It’s nice when you have the option to go to a later church service rather than going outside in the rain/hail. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Girls Night!

Pizza, Pirates, Phish Food and "Phriends" = a great Saturday night! 
You know you have a good friend when she just scrapes off the burnt parts and is adamant the food is good!

30 Minute Walk

It is possible (though not ideal) to wake up fifteen minutes before you need to be somewhere and get there only fifteen minutes late.

My Crazy Life

11/14/13 You know you’ve been working with computers too much at work when your personal computer needs to update and you have emotional reactions to the Windows Update picture.

11/15/13 How is it halfway through November???

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blogs and Middle School

JOY: Jesus, next Others, then Yourself 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 Bits of Knowledge

11/9/13 What it is like to go wedding dress shopping.
11/9/13 An afternoon “Tea” is delightful.
11/10/13 Old hats are a lot of fun to try on.
11/11/13 What it feels like to turn 23.

11/12/13 I can be incredibly productive if I turn off my phone and not allow myself to connect to the internet. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Love Came Down

11/8/13 I am not my own, I am forever Yours. 

Exam Day

11/7/13 The WID is a great place to study!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So My Professor Says...

What interpretation of Milgram’s obedience theory people will be talking about at a cocktail party. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Study Participant

I have always disliked fractions. Now after not really practicing them for a long time, I have forgotten everything!


11/4/13 When it is late and you are tired and you lay down in bed to read, it’s nice to have a roommate who will shut your light off for you after you pass out!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Think, I Feel like Today was Random

It’s great having friends who live in the same apartment building.
Be sure to look at how many ingredients you are trying to fit into you bowl before you start mixing.
How to make your own self-rising flour.
How to make apple bread.
Running a social science experiment is not that bad.
A lot about feelings and thinking. And Like. And how they all go together!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sieve, Sieve, Sieve!

Going to a Hockey game and sitting in the student section (for the first time) is a great way to hear some funny things. Example: “Sorry, I major in spaceships.” 

Quiet Life

10/31/13 My ideal Halloween festivities is drinking tea and watching a (non-scary) movie with friends.  

IT Girl

What it means to image or mirror the hard drive of a computer BUT not actually how to do it.

You can only image a hard drive a total of three times.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Morning Shopping

There are three aisles I should always avoid: those with books, tea, and aprons!

Midterm #2

10/28/13 It is possible for me to start studying for an exam before the day before it!


10/27/13 Screen Print/screen shot is an amazing tool that is awesome!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Apples 'n Tea

Even when it’s pretty chilly out, going to an apple orchard is a lot fun!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sushi, Facials, and Studies

A “sophisticated” girls night makes up for staying up late, doing homework on a Friday Night.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cookies and Bars

Baking is productive, even if it’s the most productive thing you do all day.
Sometimes making cookies just so you can eat the dough is a great idea!

Old PCs

10/23/13 How to run updates on computers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Interactionist Theory

How infants develop language is very interesting. 

Course Guide

All about different Humanities classes that I thankfully don’t have to take.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Medical Conditions

Senioritis –more like "all-the-time-itis." 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Other Matters

10/20/13 A Canadian quarter does not work in the washing machine.

10/20/13 It is possible to still be sore 3 days after a workout. 

The Weekender...Number 2

10/18/13 Driving around in circles because the exit is closed is a great team building activity on a road trip.
10/19/13 History repeats itself…I enjoy watching the end of Ultimate Frisbee games.
10/19/13 Jesus is ENOUGH.

10/20/13 No matter how quickly you leave, construction might get in your way.


10/17/13 It is possible for me to wake up relatively early and go workout…with the encouragement from a great roommate!
10/18/13 Stairs will be your enemy the day after said workout.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Exciting Moment

There is a such thing as size extra-short jeans…AND THEY FIT ME PERFECTLY!!!

Feeling Old

You start to feel grown up when you apply for graduation one day and a full-time internship the next. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Other Exciting Things

Applying for graduation is not as difficult as one may think. 

Yay! Yay!! YAY!!!

10/13/13 A trip home and a surprise announcement makes for an amazing day!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

[One of the] BEST.DAY.EVER!

10/12/13 How to make homemade Raspberry Cordial (without setting any of my friends drunk) [and Shortbread Cookies].
10/12/13 You should really leave sooner if you want to get to your location right after a football game is getting over.

10/12/13 Even a little late, a night on Prince Edward Island is absolutely amazing!

10/12/13 Sometimes you have to refrain yourself from walking up to the actor and saying “I’ve always wanted to meet Gilbert Blythe…I guess you’ll do!"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Post Expo Week

10/6/13 How to relate an Oreo cookie to the Gospel.
10/7/13 Wandering around the neighborhood reading notecards is a great way to study for an exam.
10/7/13 I say really interesting things when I am tired.
10/8/13 How to survive over a month with only a stove top!
10/8/13 Rewarding yourself with Babcock Ice Cream after two exams is a great life choice.
10/9/13 If you wake up on the couch at 2:30am with your laptop on your lap, you might as well stay on the couch.
10/9/13 Don’t use cash to buy coffee…or at least think about why you had that cash on you before doing so.
10/9/13 When in doubt, call your Mommy. She’ll bail you out and help you print your paper!
10/10/13 Some days it is okay to wake up early, stay awake for an hour, and then go back to bed.
10/11/13 Walking for an hour and half on Lakeshore is a great way to spend a Friday afternoon…especially when it’s technically for class!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Expo Week

10/1/13 I still know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich…and how to burn my fingers repeatedly when putting them into bags.
10/2/13 Hanging out with friends after MS activities is a lot of fun.
10/3/13 I still love working in the Milk House at WDE even if I don’t remember how to do everything exactly.
10/4/13 Trying to go to bed early is not always an easy task.
10/5/13 Even if you’re not scheduled in the Cheese Stand, work there anyways…way more fun!
10/5/13 If you say it’s okay for you to continue to work at Expo, be sure to ask how much longer you’ll be working.

10/5/13 How to survive working at 4 Expo’s without ever going on a Milk Run!

Monday, September 30, 2013


There is a disability that occurs when part of chromosome 15 is missing. Less than 500 people have it. 

Pre-Expo Weekend

9/27/13 Blue Moon burgers are always delicious, no matter what time you get there!
9/28/13 Chinese and a business suit fashion show: a great end to a long Saturday!

9/29/13 A long Saturday, followed by a long Sunday leads to a accidentally long Sunday afternoon nap.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Not a Nap

A walk in the afternoon is something I should do more often. 

Grown Up Things

It’s not easy to only purchase what is on your shopping list, especially when you really like grocery stores.

Reading Textbooks

9/25/13 Sometimes adults need bedtime stories too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Locked Out

When you go out the apartment building door to grab a box, don’t let the door close behind you. 

Mainline Flushing

Why one may see a bunch of water gushing out of a fire hydrant when there is no fire.

Veggies and Advice

9/22/13 What a rutabaga tastes like.

9/23/13 “Don’t believe anything I say…challenge it, research it, make your own decisions.” –Guest Lecturer in class 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lazy Saturday

I’m getting better at this cleaning and organizing thing…except for when I’m distracted by aforesaid book.


9/20/13 One of the best ways to spend a Friday evening is with a cup of tea and a good book…until 2 am Saturday morning!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sopping Wet

It’s days like these when I am reminded that I should invest in a pair of rain boots and carry an umbrella with me at all times. 

First HG

9/18/13 Hanging out with 40 middle schoolers is awesome but crazy!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Maryland is a ridiculously funny shaped state!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Thinking about how I was negatively influenced by peer pressure is actually kind of difficult.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rainy Day Away

How to make a day that was planned for outdoor activities a success….indoors! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Run Today

For the past two years, at least once a week, I’ve been parking right behind the chancellor’s house and didn’t even know it!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Student Hourly

How to spend three hours putting labels on envelopes and only get one paper cut!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Almost Two Weeks of Learning

9/3/13 “The first day of class is always syllabus day.” –Child Development Prof
9/4/13 Going grocery shopping for yourself is a fun, strange activity.
9/5/13 Double check the time of your class, no matter how sure you are about it starting at 3:30.
9/6/13 Some days you just got to change your cooking plans and go grocery shopping again. And then some nights you just got to come home, do the dishes, and be anti-social.
9/7/13 I have the habit of forgetting that it is game day. And on game day, most people wear red.
9/7/13 Getting produce at the farmer’s market is a lot of fun, especially with awesome ladies!
9/7/13 I love dinner and a movie with my ‘roommate!’
9/8/13 A lot more people go to the 9:30 service than the 11:15 service.
9/9/13 Some days you just have to pass out after a long day of work and classes.
9/10/13 I’m still a really slow reader.
9/11/13 Always check for an open parking spot, even if it means driving more if there isn’t one.
9/12/13 Don’t clip your finger nails near your cup of tea.

Summer Learning -Summer 2013

First, though, some summer learning. (Because I don't have to only learn when college is is session)
  • How to live away from home for a summer.
  • How to survive on a Holstein farm.
  • How to cut up watermelon.
  • How to drive a minivan.
  • Summer sausage makes great meat for sandwiches.
  • Why middle schoolers (and leaders) live for Madison Missions.
  • How to drive a group of middle schoolers around Madison and not completely get lost!
  • Rolling down a hill is such a great bonding activity.
  • I become very childlike when playing on a playground.
  • Hanging out, watching westerns is a great way to spend an evening.
  • I don’t mind having an indoor cat. Especially if it is fat and hilarious!
  • How to drive to Springfield, IL, and only get lost once.
  • A drive to the Chicago area, even for less than 48 hours is totally worth it!
  • Seeing your sister for the first time in over a year is a most amazing feeling.
  • Wisconsin State Fair, I just can’t stay away from you.
  • Visiting some local tourist/historical sites for the first time is a lot of fun.
  • How to climb the World’s Largest ‘M.’
  • Staying at home an extra night to babysit my favorite kids is absolutely worth it!
  • How to put more miles on your car in one summer than you did the whole school year previous.

My Last Semester

I have returned to college for my last semester as an undergrad (and maybe ever). School has been in session for almost two weeks and I'm just finally getting to adding some Daily College Knowledge.  I'm sure it will be an adventure and I will trust that God will get me through the tests, homework, and confusion. HE will carry me through! I hope you enjoy learning, and growing, with me this year!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Summer Time

Yay! I have left Madison and am spending my summer working "up north." I may have to write a paper yet but I am almost done with my last SPRING semester as an undergrad. I may update throughout the summer...we will see how busy I get. Hope you all have a great summer!

Almost Done

5/11/13 Sometimes you just aren’t going to get that last paper written before you move your stuff home!

Friday, May 10, 2013

That Time of Year!

I love Study Day!!! 

Love My Job

The last day of work (even if you’re returning in the fall) is really kind of sad. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last Primetime

 College students joining together to sing “This Little Light of Mine” is beautiful. 

One Paper Done!

5/8/13 “British Teas” and time at the library is a great way to spend a Wednesday evening.

Minor Confusion

5/7/13 Interpretate is my new favorite word.

Monday, May 6, 2013

6 Hours

Senior Wills take FOREVER!!! But they provide awesome stories and memories. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Last Ones

AWA elections take forever even if you don’t have to sit through all of them.

Saturday at Home

5/4/13 Softball is boring.
5/4/13 Can’t believe Pa is 50!!!

But I Made It

5/3/13 Driving home in the fog isn't very fun.

Non-Dry Eyes

5/3/13 The last Nav Nite of the year comes too quickly. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


How to make almost 100 cookies and have a marvelous time with your sister!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Last 1W

Color fights are a blast but messy. I should really do the color run sometime! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CFFA Tradition

Chuck E. Cheese: Where college students can just be kids!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Surprise ice cream date with Mom = A wonderful study break!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love Madison

How to have soil and orange powered paint under your fingernails in one day…and get them clean by the end of it!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Long List

Allen Centennial Gardens is a great place to knock off several things from your to-do list. 

Nav Nite Quotes

4/26/13 “Well there is nothing else to do in a belly of a whale than write Hebrew poetry.”
“God is not Santa Claus.” –Nathan T

Different Day, Same Title

4/25/13 Actually, I will not regret not attending CALS Senior Party. Crawling into bed and listening to a book sounds like a much better option.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reader's Anonymous

Most exciting part of my day: Finding Anne of Windy Poplars audiobook download for free!ouH

MS Home Group

It’s crazy how quickly a school year goes. 

Dinner Plans

4/23/13 It’s a nice break when you don’t have to cook for the House.

Monday, April 22, 2013


It is possible for me to accomplish something on a Monday night! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Roadtrips and TM

4/19/13 Roadtrips to RF with friends are more enjoyable than solo roadtrips.
I missed my friends a lot.
4/20/13 Hudson Bagel is delightful.
How to go to Ikea and not buy something.
Van Wilder is an interesting movie.
The Logo Board Game is very difficult but fun.
4/21/13 When napping during the drive, I missed out on seeing a dragon and “unicern.”
A rooster-crow alarm clock is a great way to get me to wake up.
How to compare a crocus to faith. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

School. Work. Fun.

Some days it is better to skip class and be productive at home.
How to make copies of 45 CD’s in less than 2 hours… using at least 7 computers.
A Blue Moon burger (with cheddar) is delicious!
UW-Madison Varsity Band Concert is amazing, as always.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Deep Questions

Neither cockroaches or jellyfish urinate.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Interesting Thought

“It’s harder when everyone thinks at the same time.” –My Community Leadership Professor

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day after Breakfast!

Naps are allowed today. 

It's HERE!


  • I wake up a lot easier when I’m not waking up to do something school related.
  • There’s nothing quite like cleaning snow off your car at 4:55 on an April morning!
  • How to do some serious problem solving.
  • How to feed around 1200 people and educate them about agriculture in one day.
  • Taking something down goes faster than setting it up.
  • If people think I’m quiet, they have definitely not seen me when I’m tired.
  • In Wisconsin you seriously can experience [almost] every season, in one day.
  • Even if there’s rain/sleet/snow and you are hosting an outdoor event, always keep a smile on your face. 

Day Before Breakfast


  • It is possible to get something done before setting up for Breakfast.
  • Things won’t take as long as you expect if there are lots of people to help.
  • Hot chocolate made with milk and chocolate syrup is always better.
  • A movie and pizza with friends after a long day is the only way to do it!
  • It is possible to go to sleep early the night before Breakfast.

Friday, April 12, 2013

18th Annual!

You know its Breakfast Week when…
  • You are overly excited about cutting the last onion!
  • You are thankful that they didn’t need you to come into work.
  • Your idea of a nice Friday night is tomato soup and grilled cheese with friends…and then going to be early.
  • You get several phone calls from random people that you don’t know.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Paper writing

I love movies, they are definitely better than college!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Permanent markers can get to your head. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Breakfast Time!!!

There is no such thing as a dull trip to Sam’s Club. 


4/8/13 Never lay down in your bed unless you are prepared to go to sleep.    

Sunday, April 7, 2013

6 Hours

Watching baptisms and listening to stories of so many people is such a great reminder of God’s love for us! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

After Spring Break

3/31/13 There’s no better way to celebrate the resurrection of my Lord and Savior than by milking cows with my brother. (Or maybe there is!)
4/1/13 Returning to school after Spring break is never that much fun.
4/2/13 Rolls do not last long at AWA.
4/3/13 Man, I love the 7th graders, even if I’m a little out of it.
4/5/13 How to work at two jobs in one day!
4/6/13 Sitting at table of just AGR boys makes AWA Day far more interesting. 

Spring Break (3/22/13-3/29/13)

  • “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and make the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank with roots deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they go right on producing delicious fruit.” –Jeremiah 17: 7-8
  • I need to watch Prince of Egypt again.
  • Spending 16 hours in a van together provides a great opportunity to get to know each other.
  • Houses can look like mountains.
  • I am thankful that boys like to show off their strength and push vans up hills (mountains).
  • I can rock climb!!!
  • Don’t tell people that they are stupid and liars…just say thank you!
  • 700 wives, 300 concubines…. “That’s a little weird.”
  • Eagle Lake is so beautiful….Creation is so beautiful!
  • City lights are very gorgeous as well!
  • Exploring a castle in the mountain of Colorado is awesome!
  • How to play Nertz…and win!
  • How to play Killer Spoons.
  • “The promises of God are as real as the circumstances you are in.” –Jerry Bridges
  • “The difficulties of life are worth it!”
  • How to do the “Sister Snap.”
  • Cold cut sandwiches every day for 4 days straight are great.
  • Taking pictures in a family restroom at a gas station is a great memory maker. 

Almost Spring Break

3/22/13 Sometimes you just have to pull an all-nighter.
3/22/13 After being awake for 31 hours, sleep (even in a van) is greatly appreciated.
3/23/13 Road-tripping to Colorado is a blast and makes lots of great memories!   

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


You need to show an ID to purchase cough syrup. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Last 5 Days!

3/14/13 “Jesus is not Barney”
3/14/13 I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.
3/15/13 How to make a friendship bracelet.
3/16/13 Shamrock Shakes are good.
3/16/13 Peeling onions for 3 hours can actually be a lot of fun.
3/16/13 How to make meringue.
3/16/13 How to make homemade somoas.
3/17/13 Not turning your computer on for a full day can be great!
3/18/13 Sisters Dates are the best!
3/19/13 “I keep telling you, I’m not a good leader. I’ve never been a good leader. You need to listen to what I say, not what I do.” –My professor for Community Leadership course

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Still Love 'Em

“I don’t bite strangers, I lick them.” -7th Grade Girl

FB Thread

My high school friends and I are still as strange and awesome as ever!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Baking!

How to make French bread without Sonia. 


Sometimes you just have to stay up late to start and finish a good book. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend's over!

Most high schooler’s perspective of school is that “It’s boring!” 

3/10/13 Sung to: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Sticky buns rising next to a fake fire,
Two friends running low on sleep,
Random food cravings every night, everywhere!
Happy Baking Day to You!

3/10/13 Two Sleepy Friends

Late nights (early mornings) are great for creating strange songs.
There are a few good things on tv between midnight and 3am when you have more than 5 channels.
Not telling your sister when you are going to church can turn out to be wonderful!
A diet of cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, and cookie probably is not the best. Real food looks really good after that is all you’ve eaten all day. 

3/9/13 Happy Baking Day!

How to make sticky buns.
Yeast does not like cold ingredients.
A fireplace helps dough rise faster.
Set out all the ingredients you’ll need before you start mixing it all together.
Randomly making homemade pizza is a wonderful idea.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Huge Accomplishment

I am capable of going to a place once and remembering how to get there over 3 weeks later! And I wasn't even driving! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Third Born

Not turning on your alarm + getting a text from your sister at the exact time you need to be up = Awesome! 

First Born

3/6/13 A phone call with your sister is sometimes way overdue!

Slight Burn...No big deal!

3/5/13 A pound of butter makes a great ice pack!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lights On

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you are 98% still asleep and it is 2am! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Take No Naps

Tea is such a great way to keep you awake and focused! 

Log Cabin Family Restaurant

3/2/13 How to successfully pick out a restaurant online for Formal.


3/2/13 It is incredible the experience you gain in five years.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Fun Friday

Putting 40 folders together goes much faster with 3 people helping!
The appropriate way to celebrate National Peanut Butter Day. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lucky Girl

Your brother knows you well if…he calls to wake you up and tells you to get out of bed and make yourself some tea. 


What tenure actually means and how one gets it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Summer Come...Please?

Sometimes you have to call a friend (and your Dad) to get your car parked on a snowy Madison street.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

French Toast Bake. Sausage. Grape Salad.

Breakfast for Dinner is probably the best idea yet. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Oh Well!

Mondays are just not good days for me. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Camp 2013

2/22/13 “Boys don’t work like that.” -7th grade boy
2/23/13 How to snow shoe!
2/24/13 Sometimes it takes a simple phone call to your sister…to find your phone!

Running Late

2/22/13 Never underestimate the time it’ll take to get a mailing out.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Procrastinators Unite...Tomorrow!

How to start, finish, and submit an assignment (writing up to 3 pages) in approximately 40 minutes!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


What makes ketchup fancy. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Own Words

Doing homework is really difficult when you can’t: focus, type, think or do anything. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


2/15/13 A puppy grows a lot in 3 and half weeks!
2/16/13 7 months can go by really fast.
2/17/13 No matter how long you are home, it is never enough!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Single's Awareness Day

Spending Valentine’s Day with lovely ladies is the best way to spend it! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Interesting Facts

  • Brain volume actually decreases across adolescence. 
  • Girls’ brains are smaller than boys but reach maximum volume earlier. (So we get smarter, faster!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Water Boiler

I can do really stupid things sometimes. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Presenting Lectures

“To read aloud something that was meant to be individually read can succumb even the most inveterate insomniac.” AND “It is best for you to stop speaking before the audience stops listening.”  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Craftsman & Blackhawk

A day spent with your parents and sister is a great one!

Actually did!

2/9/13 Always plan extra time for cleaning off your car during the winter!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Identity Theft

A movie with family is totally worth the car ride it takes to get there. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

8 Simple Steps

How to do “The Interlude Dance.”

6 Months

2/6/13 Having your hair put up into a ponytail is a great feeling after it being too short for that hairstyle! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Supper Time

How to cook rice. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Homework? Maybe tomorrow!

There is always time for return trips to Narnia. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thank a Farmer.

I grew up listening to Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story" but this is best thing I've ever heard from him! Proud to be the daughter telling her parents she wants to do what they do. So God made a Farmer.

Experience. Adventure.

Riding the public bus is a great way to see new areas of town.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


What the irrational fear of adolescents is!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Genesis 37

"Joseph was a little bit of a punk." -JW

Thursday, January 31, 2013

1 John 4:10

You are unfathomably loved by someone unfathomably big.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Organismic and Mechanistic

How making cookies and building towers relate to human development.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

50 and Raining...In January

You never know what sort of weather you are going to get in Wisconsin.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Same Professor

To what purpose graham crackers were developed. 

7 Stages of Life

When your professor walks into the room and starts performing a Shakespearean soliloquy, you know it’ll be an interesting class. 

Slightly Lost Senior

UW-Madison’s architecture and building planning never fails to confuse me. 

Winter Weekend

1/26/13 Brunch with friends is a lovely occasion.
1/27/13 Wintry mix outside is a great reason for a Sunday afternoon nap inside!

Friday, January 25, 2013

We Want Ice Cream!

How to fit 7 people into a Ford Focus, and not get caught.
FFA members + Hockey + Free custard = An awesome night!

Random: It's Controversial

What an itch is.


1/24/13 I should really just stay away from bookstores. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don'ts for a New Semester

1/22/13 Don’t wear thin shoes when it is under 5 degrees out when walking to class.
1/23/13 Don’t put a mug of tea in your book bag and then walk to class…even if you think it won’t spill. 

Last Semester

12/21/12 Making online notecards is a great way to study for exams…even if you write them and start studying less than 12 hours before your exam.
12/22/12 Going home after writing and submitting five different papers totaling approximately 60 pages in the two weeks prior, and taking two final exams, is probably one of the greatest feelings ever!